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I'm not dead yet 😁
ALS has left my body a little less mobile, but I still enjoy day trading and Netflix every day👍
Recently, my doctor declared that I had completely beaten esophageal cancer. This was my first victory.
My next victory will be over ALS. With the recent discoveries of gene therapies, things are looking positive for ALS patients. Thus, my strategy for ALS is "live a long and happy life with a ventilator and find the perfect cure.". BTW, there seems to be a misconception about ALS patients on ventilators.
It depends on the "life expectancy" of the patient, but the average length of life after being put on a ventilator is 20 years.
For me, at 64 years old, that's long enough.
So, I'm going to use "high tech" and live happily with a ventilator😊
Here's the "high tech".

I've volunteered to promote this great product for the past 6 months because it allows ALS patients to do everything they can do on their iPads (TD Pilot) with their line of sight. Of course, I can do email, social networking, Netflix, and even trade stocks just like a normal person 😁🎉 So, this product will contribute to the quality of life of ALS patients. However, most patients in Japan don't know about this wonderful product. That's why I posted a promotional message on my blog. It is in Japanese, so please translate it on the web.

The key message is "Be optimistic and take firm measures against ALS." 👌
I will keep you posted.

Toshiharu Gomi
